Patient Resources

Below is a list of resources with direct links to information and services you may find useful.

Don't Have a Doctor?

Contact Health Care Connect 1-800-445-1822 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For healthcare advice, contact Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 | TTY : 1-866-797-0007 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Join the Wait List for the KFHO Open and fill in the Waitlist Form

For medical emergencies call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.

Cardiac Rehabilitation

St. Mary’s General Hospital – St. Mary’s General Hospital’s Regional Cardiac Care Centre accepts referrals from several regions in southwestern Ontario, including Grey-Bruce, and is a great resource to learn about cardiac rehabilitation.

Cold Safety Index Refer to the Cold Safety Index PDF – Learn tips for safely performing physical activity and exercise in the cold.

Heat Safety Index Refer to the Heat Safety Index PDF – Learn tips for safely performing physical activity and exercise in the heat.

Snow Shoveling Refer to the Snow Shoveling PDF – Learn about precautions to take when shovelling snow and tips that can help optimize your safety while shovelling.

Children's Health

AboutKidsHealth – A website for children, youth and their caregivers that provides trusted answers from the Hospital for Sick Children about children’s health.

Caring for Kids – A resource for parents to learn from Canada’s paediatricians with extensive and broad-ranging information about children’s and teen’s health and well-being.

Immunize Canada – A national coalition of organizations with a specific interest in promoting understanding and use of vaccines.

Keystone Grey Bruce – A resource that highlights resources in the Grey Bruce community for children and youth with special needs and their families.

Community Services

211 – Looking for non-urgent support but don’t know who to contact? 211 can provide you with free confidential help and connect you with programs and services in your community.

Health Care Connect 1-800-445-1822 or – Need help finding a family healthcare provider, nurse practitioner or other healthcare services in your community?


Grey Bruce Health Unit – Access this resource to learn more about COVID-19, for direction of what to do if you think you have COVID-19 and for recent updates from Public Health.

Chronic Disease

Government of Canada Public Health Agency – Learn about more about common chronic conditions.

Southwest Self-Management Program – Provides education about self-management and support for people with health conditions and their caregivers.

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada – The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada provides information about heart, stroke, and healthy living in Canada.


Diabetes Canada – A registered national charity that offers support to Canadians living with diabetes and prediabetes.

Metabolic Syndrome

Cleveland Clinic – Provides an overview and information about diagnosis, testing criteria and prevention of metabolic syndrome.


MyCancerIQ – This resource, designed by Cancer Care Ontario, can help you better understand your risk for cancer and provide you with strategies to help lower your risk.

Screening for Colorectal Cancer – Has your doctor ordered you a Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)? Watch this video to learn about the FOBT, which is a lab test used to check stool samples for hidden (occult) blood.

End-of-Life Care

Government of Ontario – Provides resources to help you make informed decisions about end of life, including information on medical assistance in dying (MAID).

Advance Care Planning – This resource can help you plan your end-of-life care and ensures that your wishes are known if you become unwell and unable to communicate your wishes.

Exercise & Physical Activity

Boosting Balance – Otago Exercises Refer to the Otago Exercise Program pdf – Want help improving or maintaining your balance? The Otago Exercise Program Activity Booklet provides you with some guided strength, static and dynamic balance exercises to help you achieve this!

Stride Alive Exercise Resource Manual Refer to the Stride Alive Exercise Resource Manual PDF – This handbook accompanies Kincardine FHT’s Stride Alive program, a low-and-slow resistance program designed for anyone looking to increase their physical activity level.

Team UnBREAKABLE – Learn more about this physical-health-for-mental-health-program for teenagers, was started in Toronto and implemented locally by the Kincardine FHT.

Footcare & Chiropody

Diabetes and Foot Care Refer to the Diabetes and foot care: A patient’s checklist PDF – Learn about precautions and tips from the Canadian diabetes association about foot care management and diabetes.

Footcare Services

In Home Advanced Nursing Care
Lori Stanley
Contact: 519-528-3693

Tammy’s Travelling Feet
Tammy Voisin
Contact: 519-357-0793

Ripley Advanced Footcare (mobile)
Alicia Bennett
Contact: 905-409-0228


Chiropody Services

Kincardine Foot Care & Orthotics
Jenny Sinclair & Jessica Tolton
Contact: 519-396-9255

Healthcare Resources

Grey Bruce Health Unit – Provides you with the latest news releases from the Grey Bruce Public Health.

Health Care Connect – Learn about how to find a family doctor, nurse practitioner or specialist and get details about the Health Care Connect program.

Home and Community Care Support Services (formerly the Southwest LHIN) – Learn about publicly-covered homecare and other services and programs offered to the southwest region.

South Bruce Grey Health Centre – Learn about most recent updates for the Chesley, Durham, Kincardine and Walkerton sites, including information for patients and visitors, programs and services offered,
and performance and public reporting. You can also book your lab work or COVID test through this link.

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) – Learn about services offered through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

Southwest Healthline – A local partnership of healthcare providers as well as community and social services organizations that coordinates patient-centered care planning.


Active Living Grey Bruce – A program designed by Alzheimer Society Grey Bruce that provides meaningful activity and engagement for local people living with dementia.

Alzheimer Society Grey-Bruce – Refer to this resource to learn about programs offered, mild cognitive impairment and types of dementia, support and counselling options available, advance care planning and more.

Fountain of Health – Learn about the five lifestyle strategies that can help promote brain health, which have shown to be more effective at managing your brain health than medication.

iGeri Care – A resource to help patients, families and care-givers learn about dementia through easy-to-understand lessons, helpful resources, and an online community platform.

Mental Health

Anxiety Canada – Learn more about anxiety in children, adults and youth and strategies and services available to help you cope.

Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce – Offers a variety of services and programs to help support individuals and their families with mental health needs.

Grey-Bruce We CARE – An initiative of community agencies and school boards working together to increase and enhance the promotion of youth mental health and prevention of youth suicide.

Kids Help Phone – A Canadian charitable organization that provides free online and telephone counselling to children and youth across Canada.

Wellness and Emotional Support for Youth Online (WES for Youth) – Free, safe, and confidential online counselling for Ontario youth ages 13-24.

Crisis & Distress Resources Mental Health Crisis & Distress Resources (PDF) – Support is within reach — judgment-free and available 24/7. In emergencies, dial 9-1-1.

Grey-Bruce Crisis Resources Mental Health Crisis Support (PDF) – A list of mental health crisis support contacts.

Natal Support

La Leche League Canada – A registered non-profit organization that provides mother-to-mother/parent-to-parent/peer support for pregnant women, new parents and beyond.

Pelvic Health Solutions – Learn about pelvic health therapy and use the locator to find local pelvic health physiotherapists who offer this service.

Sunnybook’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network – A resource for individuals who have experienced a loss and are looking for support.

The MotHERS Program – Access this resource to learn about what to expect before and during pregnancy, and get information about newborn care, postpartum health and more.


Family Nutrition Expert, Sarah Remmer – A resource with family-friendly recipes, strategies for picky eaters, lunch-packing tips and more.

Eat Right Ontario – This resource provides reliable information and advice on nutrition and healthy eating.

Melanie Potock, Pediatric Feeding Expert and Author – Learn strategies for parenting a picky eater and how to raise kids – from babies to toddlers to teens – to be healthy eaters.

National Eating Disorder Information Centre – A website providing information, resources, referrals and support to Canadians affected by eating disorders.

Oldways – A website providing information, resources, and research on the Mediterranean Diet and other traditional diets.

Alissa Rumsey – A website providing resources to support Intuitive Eating.

Super Healthy Kids – A resource with family-friendly recipes, strategies for picky eaters, lunch-packing tips and more. Sign up to have fresh ideas delivered into your inbox every week.

The Ellyn Satter Institute – A website to help you establish and reshape anxiety-infused relation-ships with food into joyful journeys of healthful well-being.

Occupational Therapy

En-AGE – Learn about how Occupational Therapists can help you manage life changes that are associated with aging.

OT Ontario – Refer to this resource to learn about what occupational therapy is, and how an Occupational Therapist can help you.

Respiratory Health

The Ontario Lung Association – Provides you with education on lung diseases, how to protect your lungs and identifies programs, and support services for your respiratory health.


My Sleep Well – Having difficulty falling or staying asleep? Access this resource to learn about insomnia and potential strategies for treating it.

Smoking Cessation

Break It Off 1-866-366-3667 or – A campaign that helps young adults quit smoking and stay smoke-free. Call to connect with a Quit Coach.

Smoker’s Helpline – A free, confidential online service operated by the Canadian Cancer Society that offers support and proven and personalized tools to help smokers quit.

STOP Program – Learn about the STOP Program, a province-wide initiative from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. The program provides treatment to help people stop smoking and offers counselling support to people across the province who want to quit smoking.

Kincardine FHT Programs & Services

The Kincardine FHT works with your physician to provide comprehensive healthcare services.
Find out about all the programs and services we offer.