Programs & Services
The Kincardine Family Health Team offers free programs and services to promote the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss.
PLEASE NOTE: We have modified our services to provide safe, patient-centred care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kincardine FHT uses a combination of in-person, virtual, and phone appointments as appropriate. Follow us on Facebook for service changes and/or program updates.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
The Kincardine FHT Cardiac Rehab Program is currently being offered as a home-based program due to Covid 19 pandemic restrictions.
Participants can access support through telephone and video contact with our healthcare team. Clients who meet eligibility criteria may complete a functional-capacity exercise test (stress test) at SBGHC Kincardine or Walkerton site.
You can expect to have a telephone-based health assessment, nutrition advice and counselling, as well as receive a personalized exercise plan and telephone follow-up support for up to 3 months. Following St. Mary’s General Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation model, we also provide a wide range of resources for heart health available online.
The Cardiac Rehab team will support you with your personal goals for heart health, including activity, diet and what’s best for you now, what kind of exercise is safe and enjoyable for you, and how to develop healthy eating and lifestyle habits you can stick with.
CRITERIA For any patient who requires Cardiac Rehabilitation. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION Virtual consultation via telephone and video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Chronic Disease
The Kincardine FHT offers patient education, self-management support, and routine monitoring to help you with the prevention, early diagnosis and management of chronic diseases. If your primary care provider is seeing emerging signs of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or another chronic disease, we can help you focus on developing and maintaining lifestyle behaviours that keep you healthy and active longer.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Chronic Pain
The Kincardine FHT’s Occupational Therapists provide patient assessment, education, lifestyle strategies for self-management to help you learn to live well with chronic pain.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Exercise & Physical Activity
Boosting Balance
Boosting Balance is an exercise and education program to promote strength, flexibility, balance, and endurance now and for life, and educates about strategies to maintain health and prevent injuries at home and in the community.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral. New participants will meet with our Occupational Therapist for an in-take prior to joining the group.
LOCATION Virtual classes currently being offered.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information or to be added to this program.
Stride Alive
Stride Alive is a low-and-slow resistance program designed for anyone looking to increase their physical activity level. This group exercise program increases activity while building lifelong friendships. Be prepared to work up a sweat as each session includes walking, balance training, resistance training and flexibility.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral. New participants will meet with our Occupational Therapist or Kinesiologist for an in-take prior to joining the group.
LOCATION Virtual classes currently being offered.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information or to be added to this program.
Running and physical activity have well-known physical and mental benefits. Team UNBREAKABLE, a Cameron Helps program, is a physical-health-for-mental-health-program for teenagers, started in Toronto and implemented locally by the Kincardine FHT. Our Team UNBREAKABLE program is an annual event that provides an opportunity for teenagers to train with KFHT staff, at a comfortable and achievable pace, in preparation for a 5-km run. A weekly presentation on mental and physical wellness is provided and social inclusion is encouraged.
CRITERIA For students at participating schools only. Offered in collaboration with local school boards.
LOCATION Offered at participating school.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Mental Health
The Kincardine FHT’s Mental Health program offers individual, short- term therapy sessions with a Registered Social Worker. The Social Worker offers comprehensive initial assessments to have a better understanding of the psychosocial and mental health factors of each patient. Sessions are collaborative and goal- oriented, encouraging each patient to be engaged and work on goals outside of their sessions.
Evidence-based interventions currently offered are as follows: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness Practice, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and Psychoeducation on adverse childhood trauma, human development, and healthy attachments.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
MINT Memory Clinic
This is a specialty clinic dedicated to helping patients with memory difficulties and their families or caregivers. Our team of trained health professionals includes Physicians, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, an Alzheimer’s Society Counsellor, as well as specialist consults when required.
We provide a comprehensive assessment of health, medications, cognition, and function. The results of the assessment are provided to your family physician to help them offer the best medical care for your specific situation.
The memory clinic team also provides follow-up education and strategies to help maintain the health and quality of life of patients, families, or caregivers for the long term. We also help to connect patients, families, and caregivers with appropriate community programs to meet their needs and goals.
CRITERIA For patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Physician referral required.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Natal Support
Lactation Consultant Partnership Pilot Program
The Kincardine Family Health Team is excited to announce that we have partnered with Tori Hamilton, Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant, to provide Lactation Consultant Services for a 5-month pilot program effective November 8th, 2022 to March 31st, 2023.
This pilot program will provide the following services to those who do not have private insurance coverage for Lactation Consultant Services:
- Increasing milk transfer
- Latching and positioning
- Pre and post feeding weights
- Assessing infant oral function
- Relactation and increasing milk supply
- Maximizing pump output and comfort
- Reducing nipple and breast pain
- Bottle-feeding and other feeding devices
- Returning to work
- Weaning (night, infant-led, mother-led)
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION The Mama Nurse office at 255 Durham Street, Room 107, Kincardine, ON
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Well Woman / Well Person Reproductive Care
The Kincardine FHT Midwife and Nurse Practitioners offer the following services:
- Pap testing for anyone with a cervix
- Birth control consultation and prescription
- Abortion Care
- Medical abortion services until 9 weeks of pregnancy.
- Referral for those who are further along than 9 weeks of pregnancy or who chose surgical abortion.
- If you are unsure if you want to keep a pregnancy, make an appointment. We can review your options and support you through your decision.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Natal Support and Midwifery
Primary Care Midwifery
The Kincardine FHT’s Midwife offers the following services:
- Prenatal care
- Referral to OB or Family Doctors for delivery
- Care of the new baby up to 18 months of age including vaccinations
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral. Priority access for those who do not have a local family doctor.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Lactation and Feeding Consultation
The Kincardine FHT’s Midwife offers consultation for a variety of infant feeding needs including:
- Increasing milk transfer
- Latching and positioning
- Pre and post feeding weights
- Assessing infant oral function
- Relactation and increasing milk supply
- Maximizing pump output and comfort
- Reducing nipple and breast pain
- Bottle-feeding and other feeding devices
- Inducing lactation
- Bottle feeding questions/issues
- Returning to work
- Weaning
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Perinatal Mental Health Counselling
Individual counselling sessions are offered for issues related to pregnancy, birth, delivery, or the loss of a baby/pregnancy.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Assessment and interventions focused on improving your health and your relationship with food.
The Kincardine FHT’s Registered Dietitians offer a wide variety of programs to ensure comprehensive care for patients to meet their nutrition goals. These programs include:
- General Assessments
- Digestive health, disordered eating, malnutrition/failure to thrive, osteoporosis/bone health, prediabetes and well controlled type 2 diabetes
- Cooking Classes: Learn how to cook nutritious meals on a budget. Free lunch provided.
- Eat Well, Live Well Workshop: Learn about current research on the Mediterranean Diet as well as practical strategies to improve your overall health and reduce your risk of developing chronic disease.
- Introduction to Solids Workshop: This workshop covers everything you need to know about introducing solids to your little one.
- Living Well with Prediabetes/Diabetes Workshop: Learn evidence-based nutrition recommendations to help manage your blood sugars. Newly diagnosed or just need a refresher. Call us to book in.
- Mindful Eating Workshop: Join us for a 6-8 session workshop and learn ways to improve your relationship with food and eating.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Occupational Therapy
Assessment and interventions focused on improving or maintaining function, adapting to changes in your health or function, developing new skills and much more.
The Kincardine FHT’s Occupational Therapists offer a wide variety of programs to ensure comprehensive care for patients to meet their functional goals. These programs include:
- General OT Assessments
- Home Assessments
- Vestibular Assessments
- Fall Prevention Assessments
- Pain Management
- Mobility Device Assessments
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered
to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Primary Care
Working in collaboration with the Kincardine Physicians Group, the Kincardine FHT Nurse Practitioners provide primary care visits focused on wellness, prevention, chronic disease management, diagnosis and treatment.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Respiratory Health
Through our Respiratory Therapist/Certified Respiratory Educator, the Kincardine FHT offers the Best Care COPD Program, which provides individual support to those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and aims to optimize daily management through education, action plans, and inhaler review.
CRITERIA For patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information.
Same-Day Appointment Clinic
The Kincardine FHT offers a Nurse Practitioner Same-Day Appointment Clinic. Please note that this is not a walk-in clinic. Patients are required to first contact their family physician to schedule an appointment; if they are unavailable, or you do not have a primary health care provider, you can call the KFHT for an appointment. There are a limited number of same-day appointments available and they fill quickly. Not all calls will receive a same-day appointment and unfortunately they cannot be scheduled in advance. Appointments are strictly limited to one concern per visit and acute issues only. We do not prescribe narcotics.
In case of emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency department.
CRITERIA No referral required. If you have a family doctor with the Kincardine Physician’s Group, you must first attempt to book with your doctor’s office prior to calling the KFHT for an appointment.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
CONTACT Book Online or Call 519-396-2700 on Tuesdays or Wednesdays for an appointment. Phones are answered beginning at 8:30 am. The Nurse Practitioner is booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
System Navigation
The Kincardine FHT’s System Navigators have partnered with 211 Community Connections to assist you with identifying local health and social services that might be of help and coordinating connections to these services. Access to proper housing, healthy food, and transportation all contribute to good health. We have many great programs and services available in our region, but knowing when and how to access them can be confusing. We can help get you started on the right path.
CRITERIA For residents of the Municipality of Kincardine and the Township of Huron-Kinloss and patients rostered to the Kincardine Physicians Group. Self-referral or healthcare provider referral.
LOCATION At the Kincardine FHT clinic or by virtual consultation via telephone or video.
CONTACT Call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information. Or dial 211 to speak directly with a Community Navigator.
Interested in a program or service the KFHT offers? Please call 519-396-2700 or email administration@kincardinefht.ca for more information. Some restrictions may apply.

Patient Resources
The Kincardine Family Health Team staff has gathered helpful resources to support you in managing your health and feeling your best every day.